Full List of Talks and Lectures
Pint of Science 2019
May 2021: OzGrav Rapid Transients and EMfollow workshop, online, ‘Real-time gravitational wave detection for EM followup in O4 and beyond’, (shared with Manoj Kovalam)
July 2019: POSMOL 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. Positrons in Astrophysics
April 2019: CTA-Oz Consortium Meeting, Sydney, Australia. CTA synergies with MeV telescopes
February 2019: INTEGRAL looks ahead to multimessenger astrophysics: 12th INTEGRAL conference, Geneva, Switzerland. Gamma-ray lines in modern astrophysics: a theoretical perspective (conference proceedings available)
October 2017: Three Elephants in the Gamma-Ray Sky: Loop I, the Fermi Bubbles and the Galactic Center Excess, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. The Galactic Center 511 keV line
July 2022: ASA ASM 2022, Online/University of Tasmania. Positrons from kilonovae: making a model to explore novel tracers of kilonova microphysics
February 2022: ANITA 2022 Workshop, Online/Macquarie University. Positron annihilation in kilonovae - not no evidence for the p-process
October 2021: INTEGRAL Conference, Italy (virtual). Probing the explosion mechanisms of thermonuclear supernovae with gamma-ray lines
July 2021: Astronomical Society of Australia AGM, online. Australia prepares for real-time gravitational wave detection in the 4th LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run
March 2021: LSC March Meeting, online, CBC working group and poster. SPIIR planning and preparation for the 4th LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run
July 2020: Astronomical Society of Australia AGM, online. A new constraint on the origin of Galactic positrons
December 2018: Australian Institute of Physics conference, Perth, Australia. Positron annihilation on alkali metal atoms in the ISM
February 2018: ANITA 2018 Workshop, Curtin University, Perth, Australia. Positron annihilation on alkali metal atoms in the ISM
November 2017: CAASTRO Annual Retreat, Barossa Valley, SA, Australia. The ages of SN1991bg-like SN progenitors
June 2017: Poster at ISAPP2017: The Dark and Visible Side of the Universe, Texel, The Netherlands. Positron annihilation in the nuclear outflows of the Milky Way
February 2017: ANITA2017 Workshop, Hobart, Tas, Australia [highly commended award]. Positron annihilation in the nuclear outflows of the Milky Way
November 2016: CAASTRO Annual Retreat, Abbey Beach, WA, Australia [best student talk award]. Surveying the ages of the host stellar populations of SN1991bg-like supernovae
November 2016: CSIRO Joint Student and Bolton Symposium, Perth, Australia. Positrons from ancient stars.
July 2016: IAU Symposium 322, Palm Cove, Australia. Diffuse Galactic antimatter from faint thermonuclear supernovae
March-April 2022: Mature Adults Learning Association, Perth, Australia. How we ‘know’: Making discoveries in modern physics
February 2020: ANITA Summer School, Canberra, Australia. Gamma-rays from astrophysical transients
April 2021: Monash Astrophysics seminar, Monash, Melbourne, Australia
July 2020: Physics UWA seminar, University of Western Australia, Australia
July 2019: MPA High-Energy Astrophysics seminar, MPA, Garching, Germany
December 2018: RSAA Colloquium, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
September 2018: Macquarie University astronomy colloquium, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
July 2018: GRAPPA weekly colloquium, GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
July 2018: Universe Excellence Cluster `Special Universe' Colloquium (as Excellence Cluster visiting research fellow), Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE), Garching, Germany
June 2018: RSAA Colloquium, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
February 2018: Colloquium at University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia\\
July 2017: Colloquium at Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), Heidelberg, Germany
June 2017: GRAPPA weekly colloquium, GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
September 2016: Colloquium at Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK), Heidelberg, Germany
September 2016: Colloquium at Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE), Garching, Germany
August 2016: Colloquium, ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering Plasma Physics seminar series
March 2016: Colloquium, University of Queensland Department of Physics and Mathematics