Hi, I’m Fiona. I grew up in the North East of England. I spent my childhood roaming around the hills of Northumberland, playing far too many musical instruments (clarinet, piano, tin whistle, guitar, accordion and - much to my parents chagrin, who had to take the thing places - the double bass) and asking far too many questions that started with ‘why’. My family moved to New Zealand when I was 15.
I studied at the University of Auckland to get a BSc(Hons) in physics and mathematics. As an undergrad I had the opportunity to pursue reading courses and research in dynamical systems, topology and orbital dynamics.
I received my PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the Australian National University in 2019, and spent my first year as a postdoctoral researcher at UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy. I am fascinated by how we use information to draw conclusions about our Universe, and how we quantify uncertainty. I am passionate about getting people involved in science, and building scientific literacy, whether it be through school visits, public talks, or resource creation!
I am a member of the ARC Center of Excellence in Gravitational Wave Astronomy (OzGrav), the LIGO-Virgo collaboration, a member of the Australian National Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (ANITA) steering committee, and serve as a liaison between the Australian Gravitational Wave Data Center (GWDC) and Optical Data Center (ODC) scientific advisory committees. I have refereed for academic journals and have taken on a number of reviewer roles within the LSC. I am also a musician, an artist (you can purchase my works via RedBubble), and - in the summer months - a surf lifesaver.